2022-03-04 DC axial fans are very versatile, that is, the airflow in the same direction as the axis of the blades, such as electric fans, air conditioners, and external fans are fans that operate in axial flow. At present, the voltage of the fan we produce is DC voltage.
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2022-03-04 DC axial fans are very versatile, that is, the airflow in the same direction as the axis of the blades, such as electric fans, air conditioners, and external fans are fans that operate in axial flow. At present, the voltage of the fan we produce is DC voltage.
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2022-02-01 Охлаждение играет ключевую роль в сегодняшней электронике, поскольку ожидаемая продолжительность жизни пассивных и активных компонентов сильно зависит от пути передачи тепла, генерируемого их электрическим током в отношении окружающей среды.
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2022-02-01 Cooling has a key role in today's electronics, as the life expectancy of passive and active components is highly dependent on the way of transferring the heat generated by their electric current towards the surrounding environment.
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