2023-10-19 Новое и эффективное охлаждающее устройство, путем смешивания воздуха внутри осевого вентилятора с воздухом из радиатора, а затем выдув его через лопасти. Равномерно распределяет воздушный поток по всей вентиляционной зоне. Это также имеет высокую эффективность, низкий шум и легкую установку.
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2023-10-19 A new and efficient cooling device, by mixing the air inside the axial fan with the air from the heat sink and then blowing it out through the blades. Distributes the airflow evenly throughout the ventilation area. It also features high efficiency, low noise and easy installation.
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2023-10-19 A new and efficient cooling device, by mixing the air inside the axial fan with the air from the heat sink and then blowing it out through the blades. Distributes the airflow evenly throughout the ventilation area. It also features high efficiency, low noise and easy installation.
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2023-03-07 How to install a DC Axial Fan Installing a DC Axial Fan can seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and a little patience, it can be a straightforward process. DC Axial Fans are particularly well suited to applications that require high static pressure combined with low noise.
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